Peer-Reviewed |
Reynolds, W., S.K. Marx, J.-H. May, M.S. Forbes, N. Stromsoe, M.-S. Fletcher, T. Cohen, P. Moss, D. Mazumder & P. Gadd (under review): Behaviour of Australian Summer Monsson over the past 35 ka as inferred from a seasonal swamp in Australia's Top End: ecosystem and landscape responses. - Submitted to Quaternary Science Reviews Preusser, F., M. Büschelberger, H.A. Kemna, J. Miocic, D. Mueller, U. Wielandt-Schuster & J.-H. May (under review): Quaternary aggradation in the Upper Rhine Graben linked to the glaciation history of northern Switzerland. - submitted to International Journal of Earth Sciences May, S. M., J.N. Callow, D. Brill, D. Hoffmeister & J.-H. May (under review): Impact of TC Olwyn on washover fans in the Gulf of Exmouth (Western Australia) - new insights into storm surge-related geomorphological changes, washover hydrodynamics and depositional processes. - Submitted to Journal of Geophyscial Research - Earth Surface King, T.R., M. Quigley, D. Clark, A. Zondervan, J.-H. May & A. Alimanovic (under review): Paleoseismology of the 2016 MW 6.1 Petermann earthquake source: implications for intraplate earthquake behaviour and the geomorphic longevity of bedrock fault scarps. - submitted to Earth Surface Processes and Landforms Gliganic, L.A., M.C. Meyer, J.-H. May & M.S. Aldenderfer (under review): Direct dating of lithic surface artefacts using luminescence - submitted to Scientific Advances Meyer, M.C., L.A., Gliganic, J.-H. May, S. Merchel, G. Rugel, F. Schlütz, M.S. Aldenderfer & K. Krainer, K. (2020): Landscape dynamics and human-environment interactions in the northern foothills of Cho Oyu and Mount Everest (southern Tibet) during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. - Quaternary Science Reviews, 229: 106127 [doi] Hooper, J., S.K. Marx, J.-H. May, L.C. Lupo, J.J. Kulemeyer, E.D.A. Pereira, O. Seki, H. Heijnis, D. Child, P. Gadd & A. Zawadzki, A. (2020): Dust deposition tracks late-Holocene shifts in monsoon activity and the increasing role of human disturbance in the Puna-Altiplano, northwest Argentina. - The Holocene 30 (4): 519-536 [doi] Larsen, A., J.-H. May & X. Carah (2019): Late Quaternary biotic and abiotic controls on long-term sediment flux in a northern Australian tropical river system. - Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 44(12): 2494-2509 [doi] Martin, A.N., A. Dosseto, J.-H. May, J.D. Jansen, L.P.J. Kinsley, & A.R. Chivas (2019): Sediment residence times in catchments draining to the Gulf of Carpentaria, northern Australia, inferred by uranium comminution dating. - Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 244: 264-291 [doi] Dosseto, A., J.-H. May, J. H. Choi, Z. J. Swander, D. Fink, O. Korup, P. Hesse, T. Singh, C. Mifsud & P. Srivastava (2018): Late quaternary fluvial incision and aggradation in the Lesser Himalaya, India. – Quaternary Science Reviews 197: 112-128 [doi] May, J.-H., S. K. Marx, W. Reynolds, L. Clark-Balzan, G. E. Jacobsen & F. Preusser (2018): Establishing a chronological framework for a late Quaternary seasonal swamp in the Australian ‘Top End’. – Quaternary Geochronology 47: 81-92 [doi] Eschbach, D., L. Schmitt, G. Imfeld, J.-H. May, , S. Payraudeau, F. Preusser, M. Trauerstein & G. Skupinski (2018): Long-term river trajectories to enhance restoration efficiency and sustainability on the Upper Rhine: an interdisciplinary study (Rohrschollen Island, France). - Hydrology and Earth System Science 22: 2717-2737 [doi] Marx, S. K., B. S. Kamber, H. A. McGowan, L. M. Petherick, G. H. McTainsh, N. Stromsoe, J. N. Hooper & J.-H. May (2018): Palaeo-dust records: A window to understanding past environments. – Global and Planetary Change 165: 13-43. [doi] Field, E., S. Marx, J. Haig, J.-H. May, G. Jacobsen, A. Zawadzki, D. Child, H. Heijnis, M. Hotchkis, H. McGowan, P. Moss (2018): Untangling geochronological complexity in organic spring deposits using multiple dating methods. - Quaternary Geochronology 43: 50-71. [doi] May, J.-H., H.Q. Huang, T. Fujioka, D. Fink, A. Codilean, G. A. Yu, Y. Ma, G. Wulf & J. Gu (2018). Evolution of sandstone peak-forest landscapes - insights from quantifying erosional processes with cosmogenic nuclides. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 43(3): 639-653 [doi] Cohen, T. J., M. C. Meyer & J.-H. May (2017). Identifying extreme pluvials in the last millennia using optical dating of single grains of quartz from shorelines on Australia's largest lake. - The Holocene 28: 150-165. [doi] Wang, Z., M. C. Meyer, L. A. Gliganic, D. L. Hoffmann & J.-H. May (2017). Timing of fluvial terrace formation and concomitant travertine deposition in the upper Sutlej River (Tirthapuri, southwestern Tibet) and paleoclimatic implications. - Quaternary Science Reviews 169: 357-377. [doi] Preusser, F., J.-H. May, D. Eschbach, M. Trauerstein & L. Schmitt (2016): Infrared stimulated luminescence dating of 19th century fluvial deposits from the Upper Rhine River. - Geochronometria 43: 131-142. [doi] Larsen, A., J.-H. May, P. Moss & J. Hacker (2016): Could alluvial knickpoint retreat rather than fire drive the loss of alluvial wet monsoon forest, tropical northern Australia? - Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 41: 1583-1594. [doi] Veit, H., J.-H. May, A. Madella, R. Delunel, F. Schlunegger, S. Szidat & J. Capriles (2016): Paleo-geoecological significance of Pleistocene trees in the Lluta Valley, Atacama Desert. - Journal of Quaternary Sciences 31: 203-213. [doi] May, J.-H., A. Plotzki, L. Rodrigues, F. Preusser & H. Veit (2015): Holocene floodplain soils along the Río Mamoré, northern Bolivia, and their implications for understanding inundation and depositional patterns in seasonal wetland settings. - Sedimentary Geology 330: 74-89. [doi] May, J.-H., F. Preusser & L.A. Gliganic (2015): Refining late Quaternary plunge pool chronologies in Australia's monsoonal 'Top End'. - Quaternary Geochronology 30B: 328-333. [doi] May, J.-H., A. Barrett, T.J. Cohen, B.G. Jones, D. Price & L.A. Gliganic (2015): Late Quaternary evolution of a playa margin at Lake Frome, South Australia. - Journal of Arid Environments 122: 93-108. [doi] Gliganic L.A., J.-H. May & T.J. Cohen (2015): All mixed up: Using single-grain equivalent dose distributions to identify phases of pedogenic mixing on a dryland alluvial fan. - Quaternary International 362: 23-33. [doi] Cohen, T.J., J.D. Jansen, L.A. Gliganic, J.R. Larsen, G.C. Nanson, J.-H. May, B.G. Jones & D.M. Price (2015): Hydrological transformation coincided with megafaunal extinction in central Australia. - Geology 43: 195-198. [doi] Plotzki, A., J.-H. May, F. Preusser, B. Roesti, S. Denier, U. Lombardo & H. Veit (2015): Geomorphology and evolution of the late Pleistocene to Holocene fluvial system in the south-eastern Llanos de Moxos, Bolivian Amazon. - Catena 127: 102-115. [doi] May, J.-H., S.G. Wells, T.J. Cohen, S.K. Marx, G.C. Nanson & S.E. Baker (2015): A soil chronosequence on Lake Mega-Frome beach ridges and its implications for late Quaternary pedogenesis and paleoenvironmental conditions in the drylands of southern Australia. - Quaternary Research 83: 150-165. [doi] Gliganic L.A., T. J. Cohen, J.-H. May, J. D. Jansen, G. C. Nanson, A. Dosseto, J. R. Larsen & M. Aubert (2014): Late Holocene climatic variability indicated by three archives in arid southern Australia. - The Holocene 24: 104-117. [doi] Lombardo, U., K. Szabo, K., J. M. Capriles, J. May, W. Amelung, R. Hutterer, E. Lehndorff, A. Plotzki & H. Veit (2013). Early and middle holocene hunter-gatherer occupations in Western Amazonia: the hidden shell middens. - PLoS ONE 8 (8): e72746-1-e72746-14. [doi] May, J.-H. (2013): Dunes and dunefields in the Bolivian Chaco as potential environmental records. - Aeolian Reseach 10: 89-102. [doi] Plotzki, A., J. -H. May, F. Preusser & H. Veit (2013). Geomorphological and sedimentary evidence for late Pleistocene to Holocene hydrological change along the Río Mamoré, Bolivian Amazon. - Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 47 230-242. [doi] Lombardo, U., S. Denier, J.-H. May, L. Rodrigues & H. Veit (2013): Human-environment interactions in pre-Columbian Amazonia: the case of the Llanos de Moxos, Bolivia. - Quaternary International 312: 109-119. [doi] Fitzsimmons, K.E., T.J. Cohen, P.P. Hesse, J. Jansen, G.C. Nanson, J.-H. May, T.T. Barrows, D. Haberlah, A. Hilgers, T. Kelly. J. Larsen, J. Lomax & P. Treble (2013): Late Quaternary palaeoenvironmental change in the Australian drylands. - Quaternary Science Reviews 74: 78-96. [doi] Reeves, J.M., T.T. Barrows, T.J. Cohen, A.S. Kiem, H.C. Bostock, K.E. Fitzsimmons, J.D. Jansen, J. Kemp, C. Krause, L. Petherick, S.J. Phipps & Oz-Intimate Members (2013): Climate variability over the last 35,000 years recorded in marine and terrestrial archives in the Australian region: an OZ-INTIMATE compilation. - Quaternary Science Reviews 74: 21-34. [doi] Jansen, J.D., G.C. Nanson, T.J. Cohen, T. Fujioka, D. Fabel, J.R. Larsen, A.T. Codilean, D.M. Price, H.H. Bowman, J.-H. May & L.A. Gliganic (2013): Lowland river responses to intraplate tectonism and climate forcing quantified with luminescence and cosmogenic Be-10. - Earth & Planetary Science Letters 366: 49-58. [doi] Cohen, T., G.C. Nanson, J.D. Jansen, L.A. Gliganic, J.-H. May, J. Larsen, I. Goodwin, S. Browning & D.M. Price (2012): A pluvial episode identified in arid southern central arid Australia during the Medieval Climatic Anomaly. - Quaternary Science Reviews 56: 167-171. [doi] Lombardo, U., J.-H. May & H. Veit (2012): Geoecological Settings as a Driving Factor behind Pre-Columbian Human Occupation Patterns in Bolivian Amazonia. - Journal for Ancient Studies, Sonderband 3: 1007-1013. [doi] Latrubesse, E.M., J.C. Stevaux, E.H. Cremon, J.-H. May, S.H. Tatumi, M.A. Hurtado, M. Bezada & J.B. Argollo (2012): Late Quaternary megafans, fans and fluvio-aeolian interactions in the Bolivian Chaco, Tropical South America. - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 356-357: 75-88 [doi] Lombardo, U., J.-H. May & H. Veit (2012): Mid- to late Holocene fluvial activity behind pre-Columbian social complexity in the south-western Amazon basin. - The Holocene 22 (9): 1035-1045. [doi] Cohen, T.J., G.C. Nanson, J.D. Jansen, B.G. Jones, Z. Jacobs, J.R. Larsen, J.-H. May, P.Treble, D.M. Price & A.M. Smith (2012): Late Quaternary mega-lakes fed by the northern and southern river systems of central Australia: Varying moisture sources and increased continental aridity. - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 356-357: 89-108. [doi] May, J.-H. (2011): The Rio Parapetí - Holocene megafan dynamics and wetland formation in the southernmost Amazon basin. - Geographica Helvetica 66 (3): 193-201. [pdf] Plotzki, A., J.-H. May & H. Veit (2011): Past and recent fluvial dynamics in the Beni lowlands, NE Bolivia. - Geographica Helvetica 66 (3): 164-172. [pdf] Brierley, G., H. Huang, A. Chen, S. Aiken, M. Crozier, W. Eder, A. Goudie, J.-H. May, P. Migon, G. Nanson, D. Qi, H. Viles, C. Woods, R. Wray, G. Yang & X. Yang (2011): Naming conventions in geomorphology: contributions and controversies in the sandstone landscape of Zhangjiajie Geopark, China. - Earth Surface Processes and Planforms 36 (14): 1981-1984. [doi] May, J.-H., J. Zech, R. Zech, F. Preusser, J. Argollo, P. W. Kubik & H. Veit (2011): Reconstruction of a complex late Quaternary glacial landscape in the Cordillera de Cochabamba (Bolivia) based on a morphostratigraphic and multiple dating approach - Quaternary Research 76 (1): 106-118. [doi] Cohen, T.J., G.C. Nanson, J.D. Jansen, B.G. Jones, Z. Jacobs, P. Treble, D.M. Price, J.-H. May, A.M. Smith, L.K Ayliffe & J.C. Hellstrom (2011): Continental aridification and the vanishing of Australia's mega-lakes. - Geology 39 (2): 167-170. [doi] May, J.-H. & Soler, R.D., (2010): Late Quaternary morphodynamics in the Quebrada de Purmamarca, NW Argentina. - Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart / Quaternary Science Journal 59 (1-2): 21-35. [pdf] Zech, J., Zech, R., May, J.-H., Kubik, P. W. & Veit, H. (2010): Lateglacial and Early Holocene glaciation in the tropical Andes caused by La Niña-like conditions. - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 293: 248-254. [doi] May, J.-H. & Veit, H. (2009): Late Quaternary paleosols and their paleoenvironmental significance along the Andean piedmont, Eastern Bolivia. - Catena 78 (2): 100-116. [doi] May, J.-H. (2008): A geomorphological map of the Quebrada de Purmamarca, Jujuy, NW Argentina. - Journal of Maps v2008: 211-224. [doi] Zech, R., May, J.-H., Ilgner, J., Kull, C. & Veit, H. (2008): Timing of the late Quaternary glaciation in the Andes from 15 to 40° S. - Journal of Quaternary Science 23(6-7): 635-647. [doi] May, J.-H., Argollo, J. & Veit, H., (2008): Holocene landscape evolution along the Andean piedmont, Bolivian Chaco. - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 260 (3-4): 505-520. [doi] May, J.-H., Zech, R. and Veit, H., (2008): Late Quaternary paleosol-sediment-sequences and landscape evolution along the Andean piedmont (Bolivian Chaco). - Geomorphology 98 (1-2): 34-54. [doi] Imhof, S., C. Kull, J.-H. May, M. Grosjean & H. Veit (2006): Temperature reduction and local last glaciation maximum (LLGM). The example of the east-Andean Cordillera around Cochabamba, Bolivia (17°S). - Geographica Helvetica 61 (2): 91-106. [pdf] May, J.-H. (2006): Geomorphological indicators of large-scale climatic changes in the Eastern Bolivian lowlands. - Geographica Helvetica 61 (2): 120-134. [pdf] |
Book Chapters |
May, J.-H., T. Cohen, F. Preusser & H. Veit (accepted): Geomorphic and chronological assessment of aggradation patterns on the Río Grande (Guapay) megafan, eastern Bolivia. - In: Wilkinson, M.J. & E. Latrubesse: Megafans - A Global Synthesis (working title). Cambridge University Press. May, J.-H., Zech, R., Schellenberger, A., Kull, C. & Veit, H. (2011): Quaternary and environmental climate changes in the Central Andes. - In: Salfity, J.A. & Marquillas, R.A. (Eds.): Cenozoic geology of the Central Andes of Argentina. - SCS Publisher, Salta: 247-263 [book] [pdf] May, J.-H. (2009): Reconstructing Late Quaternary paleoenvironments in the eastern Bolivian lowlands - approaches and results. - In: Bierman, P. and Montgomery, D. (Edts.): Key Concepts in Geomorphology. Online vignette [html] Larsen, J., Cohen, T.J., Nanson, G.C., Jones, B.G., Jansen, J., and May, J.-H. (2009): Climate change in the dead heart of Australia. - In: Bierman, P. and Montgomery, D. (Edts.): Key Concepts in Geomorphology. Online vignette [html] |
Other |
May, J.-H., H.Q. Huang, T. Fujioka, D. Fink, A. Codilean, G. A. Yu, Y. Ma, G. Wulf & J. Gu (2018): Cover Image. – Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 43: pages i [www] May, J.-H. (2017): Die zentralen Anden im wandelnden Klima. - Freiburger Universitätsblätter 216 (2): 163-176. [pdf] Hemmerle, H., J.-H. May & F. Preusser (2016): Übersicht über die pleistozänen Vergletscherungen des Schwarzwaldes. - Berichte der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Freiburg i. Br. 106: 31-67. [pdf] May, J.-H. (2014): Source-bordering Dune. - In: Hargitai, H. & Á. Kereszturi (Edts.): Encyclopedia of Planetary Landforms: Chapter 588-1. [doi] May, J.-H. (2014): Parabolic Dune. - In: Hargitai, H. & Á. Kereszturi (Edts.): Encyclopedia of Planetary Landforms: Chapter 251-1. [doi] Cohen, T., G. Nanson & J.-H. May (2012): Program and Abstracts. Australian and New Zealand Geomorphology Group 15th Conference Bundanoon, Southern Highlands. - 2-7th of December 2012 [html] May, J.-H. (2006): Brasilien und Wissenschaft - Persönlicher Erlebnisbericht. - GeoAgenda 6: 19-21 [pdf] May, J.-H. (2005): Evolución del Paisaje y Cambio Climático en Bolivia Oriental. - Revista GAB v2005 (2): 3 [pdf] May, J.-H. & U. Lombardo (2004): Moxos - the water kingdom: Integrating Remote Sensing and Landscape Archaeology in the Amazon Basin of NE-Bolivia. - Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen 148: 4-5 [pdf] May, J.-H. (2003): Geomorphologie des Jemen - ein Überblick in Bildern. - Jemen-Report 34 (2): 8-16 [pdf] Schulz, E., J. Benedek, S. Farcas, R. Klemd, S. König, J.-H. May, U. Schleichert, W. Schreiber & T. Tittizer (2003): Hochwasser, Zyanid und Blei. Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Einzugsgebiet der Theiss. - Würzburger Geographische Manuskripte 63: 179-198 [pdf] May, J.-H. (2001): Wasser im Jemen - eine hydrologische Charakterisierung. - Würzburger Geographische Manuskripte 54: 48-60 [pdf] |
Not enough ? |
Selected Abstracts |
Soler, R. D. & J.-H. May (2000): Debris-Flows en la Quebrada de Purmamarca (Jujuy - Argentina) : Mecanismos de Generación y Riesgos geológicos. - Asociación Argentina de Sedimentología, II Taller sobre Sedimentología y Medio Ambiente (Buenos Aires, August 3-4, 2000), 57-58. May, J.-H. (2005): Geomorphology and Landscape Evolution in the Quebrada de Purmamarca (Jujuy), NW-Argentina. - Terra Nostra 05 (1): 80-81 (19th Colloquium of Latin American Geosciences Potsdam, April 18-20, 2005) May, J.-H. & H. Veit (2005): Paleosol-Sediment-Sequences in Eastern Bolivia: Geomorphological Context and Paleoecological Interpretation. - Terra Nostra 05 (1): 81 (19th Colloquium of Latin American Geosciences Potsdam, April 18-20, 2005) May, J.-H. & H. Veit (2005): Paleosol-sediment-sequences and their implications for landscape evolution along the Andean piedmont (Eastern Bolivia). - Abstracts Volume, 6th International Conference on Geomorphology (Zaragoza, September 7-11, 2005): 99 May, J.-H. (2005): Paläoböden-Sediment-Sequenzen als Zeugen der quartären Landschaftsgeschichte im Andenvorland Ostboliviens. (Trier, 55. Deutscher Geographentag, Oktober 1-8, 2005). May, J.-H. & H. Veit (2005): Paleosol-sediment-sequences along the Andean piedmont (Eastern Bolivia) and their implications for Late Quaternary landscape evolution. - Programme & Abstracts, 3rd Swiss Geoscience Meeting (Zürich, November 18-19, 2005): 97-98. May, J.-H., J. Argollo & H. Veit (2006): Holocene to historical paleohydrology deduced from geomorphologyand paleosol-sediment-sequences along the Andean piedmont in semi-arid Eastern Bolivia. - Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 8, EGU General Assembly 2006 (Vienna, April 2-7, 2006): EGU06-A-03446. May, J.-H., U. Lombardo & S. Imhof (2006): A rectangular lake basin in the Llanos de Moxos (NE Bolivia) - lake formation and pre-Hispanic water management. - 2. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Geoarchäologie, Abstracts (Marburg, May 19-21, 2006): 38. May, J.-H. & H. Veit (2006): Late Quaternary climate change in Eastern Bolivia as recorded by paleosol-sediment-sequences algong the Andean piedmont. - Treffen der AG Vergleichende Hochgebirgsforschung (Zernez, June 15-18, 2006). Imhof, S., C. Kull, J.-H. May, R. Zech & H. Veit (2006): Gletscher-Klima-Modellierung in der Cordillera de Cochabamba. - Treffen der AG Vergleichende Hochgebirgsforschung (Zernez, June 15-18, 2006). May, J.-H., A. Kadereit & H. Veit (2006): Aeolian Geomorphology of Eastern Bolivia and its implications for landscape evolution. - Annals / Abstracts Volume I, VI Simpósio Nacional de Geomorfologia / Regional Conference on Geomorphology (Goiânia, September 6-10, 2006): 177. May, J.-H., A. Kadereit & H. Veit (2006): Äolische Geomorphologie und deren Bedeutung für die Ostbolivianische Landschaftsgeschichte. - 32. Jahrestagung des AK Geomorphologie (Dresden, October 4-7, 2006): 24. Röhringer, I., J.-H. May, A. Kleber & H. Veit (2006): Holozäne Flussdynamik des Rio Grande / Ostbolivien. - 32. Jahrestagung des AK Geomorphologie (Dresden, October 4-7, 2006): 105. May, J.-H. (2007): The paleosol-sediment-sequences at Cabezas: a geomorphic "showcase" for paleoenvironmental changes in Eastern Bolivia. - 8th Swiss Global Change Day (Bern, April 4, 2007). - IGBP Swiss Committee POSTER AWARD May, J.-H., I. Röhringer, O. Korup & H. Veit (2007): The natural hazard of avulsive fluvial systems - an example from Eastern Bolivia. - Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 9, EGU General Assembly 2007 (Vienna, April 15-20, 2007): EGU2007-A-04466. - CANCELLED May, J.-H. & H. Veit (2007): Late Quaternary piedmont stratigraphy and paleoenvironments of Eastern Bolivia. - Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 9, EGU General Assembly 2007 (Vienna, April 15-20, 2007): EGU2007-A-04477. May, J.-H., A. Schellenberger, I. Sabino & H. Veit (2007): Piedmont stratigraphy at Riacho Seco (Salta) and its implications for the Late Quaternary environmental evolution of NW Argentina. - Mensch - Umwelt - Klima. Perspektiven der Quartärforschung in der Schweiz (Bern, October 27, 2007): 44. May, J.-H. & H. Veit (2008): Late Quaternary fluvial landscapes of the Río Grande (Eastern Bolivia) - past processes and present problems. - Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 10, EGU General Assembly 2008 (Vienna, April 13-18, 2008): EGU2008-A-10200. - SOLICITED Zech, R., J.-H. May, Ilgner, J., C. Kull, P. K. Kubik & H. Veit (2008): Asynchronous glacial chronologies along the Central Andes (~10-40°S) and paleoclimatic implications. - XII Reunión Argentina de Sedimentología (Buenos Aires, June 3-6, 2008): 194. May, J.-H., U. Lombardo & H. Veit (2008): Reconstructing the fluvial history of the Llanos de Moxos, NE Bolivia - approaches, challenges and first results. - Abstract Volume, 6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting (Lugano, November 21-23, 2008): 158-159. Veit, H., F. Preusser & J.-H. May (2008): The Southern Westerlies in Central Chile (Norte Chico) during the Upper Quaternary as documented in paleosols. - 4th Alexander von Humboldt International Conference, The Andes: Challenge for Geosciences (Santiago de Chile, November 24-28, 2008): AVH4-A-00022, 55. Lombardo, U., J.-H. May, F. Preusser & H. Veit (2009): Assessing human influence on sand ridge formation at the Laguna Perotó, Beni, Bolivia. - Abstracts of the CH-Quat bi-annual meeting on Geo/Archaeology (Bern, January 24, 2009): 23. May, J.-H., F. Preusser, R. Zech, J. Ilgner & H. Veit (2009): Late Quaternary geomorphic history of a glacial landscape - new sedimentary and chronological data from the Cordillera de Cochabamba (Bolivia). - Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 11, EGU General Assembly 2009 (Vienna, April 19-24, 2009): EGU2009-8528. May, J.-H., R. Zech, F. Preusser, & H. Veit (2009): The piedmont along the eastern Andes as an archive for Late Quaternary landscape evolution. - Conference Abstracts, 7th International Conference on Geomorphology (ANZIAG) (Melbourne, July 6-11, 2009): 107. May, J.-H., G. Nanson, J. Larsen, T. Cohen & F. Preusser (2010): Alluvial fans and Late Quaternary paleoclimate – Southern Hemisphere case studies and their global context. - IV Southern Connections Congress, Abstracts (Bariloche, February 15-19, 2010): 148. Cohen, T., G. Nanson, B. Jones, D. Price, J. Larsen, J.-H. May, A. Smith, J. Jansen & A. Codilean (2010): Mega-lakes of central Australia: evidence of varying moisture sources and increased continental aridity. - IV Southern Connections Congress (Bariloche, February 15-19, 2010): Oral Presentation May, J.-H., J. Larsen, T. Cohen, & G. Nanson (2010): Mt. Chambers Creek alluvial fan – a recorder for Late Quaternary flow regime changes along the eastern Flinders Ranges (South Australia). - Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 12, EGU General Assembly 2010 (Vienna, May 2-7, 2010): EGU2010-7583. May, J.-H., F. Preusser, A. Schellenberger, R. Zech, & H. Veit (2010): Alluvial records of late Quaternary environmental change along the eastern Andes. - 2010 AGU Fall Meeting (San Francisco, December 13-17, 2010): PP31B-1626. Cohen, T.J., G. Nanson, J. D. Jansen, B. Jones, Z. Jacobs, J.-H. May, J. Larsen, P. Treble, & A. Smith (2010): Late Quaternary mega-lakes of central Australia: varying moisture sources and increased continental aridity. - 2010 AGU Fall Meeting (San Francisco, December 13-17, 2010): PP31B-1624. Aiken, S.J. & J.-H. May (2011): Evidence for Holocene mass wasting along the Upper Yellow River, Qinghai Province, China. - 14th Australian and New Zealand Geomorphology Group Conference, Program and Abstracts(Oamaru, January 31 - February 4, 2011): 1. May, J.-H., S. Aiken, Y. Ma & H. Huang (2011): Alluvial Fans in the Tongde basin and their implications for Quaternary incision along the upper Yellow River (Qinghai, China). - 14th Australian and New Zealand Geomorphology Group Conference, Program and Abstracts (Oamaru, January 31 - February 4, 2011): 48. May, J.-H., J. Larsen, T. Cohen & G. Nanson (2011): Late Quaternary paleosols at Mt. Chambers alluvial fan (Flinders Ranges, South Australia) and their paleoenvironmental significance. - 14th Australian and New Zealand Geomorphology Group Conference, Program and Abstracts (Oamaru, January 31 - February 4, 2011): 49. May, J.-H., J. Larsen, T. Cohen & G. Nanson (2011): Paleosols at Mt. Chambers alluvial fan (Flinders Ranges, S Australia) and their paleoenvironmental implications. - 18th INQUA Congress, Abstracts (Bern, July 21 - 27, 2011): ID724. May, J.-H., H. Veit & F. Preusser (2011): Source-bordering dunes in the eastern Bolivian lowlands - geomorphic variety and paleoenvironmental significance. - 18th INQUA Congress, Abstracts (Bern, July 21 - 27, 2011): ID725. Nanson, G., J. Larsen, T. Cohen & J.-H. May (2011): The likely sources of moisture that drove changes in Australia's rivers and lakes during the Mid to Late Quaternary. - 18th INQUA Congress, Abstracts (Bern, July 21 - 27, 2011): ID1686. Cohen, T. G. Nanson, J. Jansen, B.G. Jones, Z. Jacobs, J. Larsen, J.-H. May, D. Price & A. Smith (2011): Late Quaternary mega-lakes of central Australia: varying moisture sources and increased continental aridity. - 18th INQUA Congress, Abstracts (Bern, July 21 - 27, 2011): ID1046. Plotzki, A., J.-H. May & H. Veit (2011): Palaeohydrological variability of the Bolivian Amazon throughout the Holocene. - 18th INQUA Congress, Abstracts (Bern, July 21 - 27, 2011): ID2158. Lombardo, U., A. Chruscinska, R. Hutterer, E. Lehnhoff, J.-H. May, Plotzki, A. & H. Veit (2011): Human occupation and environmental change in south-western Amazonia during the Holocene. - 18th INQUA Congress, Abstracts (Bern, July 21 - 27, 2011): ID1312. May, J.-H. (2012): Riverine source-bordering dunes - significance and modern analogues. - 15th ANZGG Conference, Program and Abstract (Bundanoon, December 2 - 7, 2012): 65. |
Invited Talks |
01/07/2005: Evolución de paisaje en Bolivia Oriental y su interpretación paleoclimatológica. - Museo de Historia Natural Noel Kempff Mercado, Santa Cruz, Bolivia 02/08/2005: Evolución de paisaje en Bolivia Oriental y su interpretación paleoclimatológica. - Universidad Autónoma Gabriel René Moreno, Santa Cruz, Bolivia 10/05/2007: Late Quaternary Paleoenvironments of Eastern Bolivia deduced from geomorphological and paleopedological archives. - University of Cologne, Colloquium of the Group for Paleoecology, Cologne, Germany 03/06/2008: Rekonstruktion der spätquartären Landschaftsgeschichte in Ostbolivien anhand von geomorphologischen und paläopedologischen Archiven. - Colloquium at the Institute of Geography, University of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany 10/12/2010: Alluvial fans, paleosols and the reconstruction of Late Quaternary paleoenvironments - Southern Hemisphere case studies. - Desert Research Institute, Reno, Nevada, USA 31/10/2010: Reconstructing late Quaternary paleoenvironments from fluvial and alluvial records. - Qinghai Institute of Salt Lakes (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Xining, China 23/04/2011: Alluvial fans in the Tongde basin and their implications for Quaternary incision along the upper Yellow River (Qinghai, China). - Qinghai Institute of Salt Lakes (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Xining, China 08/07/2011: Reconstructing late Quaternary environmental change in eastern Bolivia. - Instititue of Geology & Geophysics (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Beijing, China [html] 06/12/2013: Getting your early career research funded: some tips for successful grant writing based on experience and common sense. - INQUA ECR conference, Wollongong, Australia 21/04/2015: Pleistocene Environmental Change in Australia's Top End. - Research Seminar Geology, Institute of Earth and Environmental Sciences - Geology, University of Freiburg, Germany 02/07/2015: Tales from the Australian Outback - Soils, Sediments, and Hydrological Changes. - Soil, Water, Rock Colloquium, Institute of Earth and Environmental Sciences - Geology, University of Freiburg, Germany 10/12/2015: A Bolivian 'El Dorado'? Geomorphic and cultural dimensions of changing landscapes in pre-Columbian Amazonia - Geokolloquium Institute of Geology at the University of Innsbruck 14/05/2019: Climate-Driven Sedimentary Dynamics in the Subtropical Andes of NW Argentina - Semester 1 Seminar Series, School of Geography, University of Melbourne |